OO Scale - British
Eden Park, a small terminus country station used by commuters and holiday makers alike. The single track line follows the River Eden and arrives into a twin track station with an island platform beside a wide section of the estuary. Passenger services are operated by a mixture of DMU’s, including Single and twin carriage units. On the approach to the station, the line passes a camp site full of holidaymakers. The layout has a number of cameo scenes to enhance the detail of this small layout.
The baseboards are from Scale Model Scenery fitted with a Peco photographic back-scene. Track is Peco Code 100 and can be operated as DC or DCC. The layout is detailed using a mixture of Primo Models trees, WarWorld Scenics static grass and bushes along with other assorted items from eBay. Figures and the cameo scenes use items from Preiser, Noch, Bachmann, Busch and Woodland Scenics. The Rolling stock used is from Bachmann, Hornby, Dapol and Heljan.
Built in approx. 8 weeks during the lockdown of 2020, Eden Park was an exercise in what can be achieved in a relatively small area. The layouts is in two sections and lightweight, fitting in the back of a regular sized car to go to and from exhibitions or events.
The layout is owned by a member of Cupar & District Model Railway Club, and exhibited on behalf of the club.