OOÂ Scale - British
Loch Nagar is the Creation of Club member Chris. This layout was built during the COVID 19 lockdown of 2020, and depicts a generic factory setting somewhere within the UK. The layout is designed to run stock from 1940 up to the 1970s. Built in a rifle case the layout measures 3' X 1' including fiddle yard. The layout was created using what ever Chris had in the house at the time and proved to be a great project to help the days pass while not being able to go anywhere.
The layout is operated by way of a Gaugemaster series UF single controller mounted directly to the base board next to a switch panel for the points which are SEEP motors controlled by push to contact switches. This album shows you the layout from start to finish. This layout is now ready and available for exhibition and is created as a go anywhere simple to run and set up layout.